Conferences, Workshops and Symposia
Here you will find information about conferences and other events hosted recently by the Statistics Department at UC Davis. For speakers and abstracts from our weekly seminar series please visit our Seminars page at:
Peter Hall Conference
Statistics in the Age of AI
November 8th and November 9th, 2024

Details and conference website coming soon!
Peter Hall Conference
Advances in Statistical Data Science
April 28th and April 29th, 2023

Details and conference website coming soon!
Peter Hall Conference
Statistics and Machine Learning
May 10th and 11th, 2019
Peter Hall Conference
Brain and Data Science
May 4th, 2018
Including a keynote lecture on Thursday May 3 by Thomas Nichols, Professor of Neuroimaging Statistics, Oxford Big Data Institute, and Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford (UK) - (Title and Abstract)
RTG Statistical Sciences Symposium
Geometry, Statistics and Data Analysis
May 19th and 20th, 2017
Location: Mathematical Sciences Building 1147, Colloquium Room.
Please join us for the 2017 Statistical Sciences Symposium, sponsored by the NSF-funded Research Training Group at the UC Davis Department of Statistics. For a schedule, list of speakers and details on how to register, please visit:
Peter G. Hall Memorial Conference
September 30th - October 1st 2016
Location: UC Davis Conference Center
A special conference honoring our distinguished colleague Peter G. Hall, who sadly passed away in January 2016.
Please check the conference webpage for titles and abstracts of the invited talks:
Some PHOTOS from the conference.
UC Davis Statistical Sciences Symposium 2016:
"Statistical Machine Learning: Theory and Methods"
Saturday, April 23rd 2016
Co-Sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics; the MPS Dean's Office of UC Davis; UC Davis Graduate School of Management; the National Science Foundation via an RTG training grant.
Location: UC Davis Buehler Alumni Center, AGR Room
The Department of Statistics will host a workshop that will serve as a forum to discuss recent developments in machine learning. Registration is FREE. For full details please visit the symposium web-page at:
UC Davis Statistical Sciences Symposium 2015:
"Network Data : Information and Sciences"
Friday, April 10th and Saturday, April 11th 2015
Co-Sponsored by the MPS Deans Office of UC Davis, NSF via an RTG training grant.
Location: UC Davis Alumni Center
The Department of Statistics will host a workshop that will serve as a forum to discuss recent developments in network data, its analysis, computational and inferential challenges and applications to various disciplines including neuroscience, genomics, social sciences, ecology and environmental sciences and complex systems. Registration is FREE. For full details please visit the symposium web-page at:
Download the program for the symposium (pdf).
UC Davis Statistical Sciences Symposium 2014:
Spatial-Temporal Statistics: Methods and Applications
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Co-Sponsored by the MPS Deans Office of UC Davis, NSF via an RTG training grant, and the Graduate School of Management of UC Davis
The Department of Statistics hosted a workshop that served as a forum to discuss recent developments in the areas of methods for spatial-temporal problems. For full details please visit the symposium web-page at:
Download the program for the symposium (pdf).
UC Berkeley / UC Davis Colloquium
May 1, 2014
The annual Colloquium between the Statistics departments of UC Berkeley and UC Davis was hosted in 2014 at UC Davis and featured speaker Michael Jordan, who gave a talk titled "On the Statistical-Computational Interface".
Workshop on Analysis of High-Dimensional and Functional Data
in Honor of Distinguished Professor Peter Hall
May 19-20, 2012
This workshop, held in honor of our distinguished colleague Peter Hall, served as a forum to discuss recent developments in the rapidly evolving areas of analysis of high-dimensional and functional data and related topics, including theory, methods and applications. For full details of this workshop please visit the conference website at:
UC Berkeley / UC Davis Colloquium
May 3, 2012
The annual Colloquium between the Statistics departments of UC Berkeley and UC Davis was hosted in 2012 at UC Davis and featured speaker Rasmus Neilsen (abstract) of UC Berkeley, as well as a graduate student colloquium following the main lecture featuring talks from students of both campuses.
Shumway Lecture 2012
April 26, 2012
The 2012 Shumway Lecture, in honor of our esteemed colleague Professor Emeritus Robert Shumway, was presented by Dr. George Fein, president of Neurobehavioral Reseacrh Inc. Please follow this link to see the abstract of the lecture.
For information about previous Sumway Lectures, please visit:
Workshop on Statistical Methods for Astronomy and Astrophysics
October 8, 2011
This day-long interdisciplinary conference focused on problems at the intersection of statistics, astronomy and cosmology, and featured speakers such as Brad Efron (Stanford Univ.), Jim Berger (Duke Univ.) and David van Dyk (Imperial College London) among others. The goal of the conference was to bring together experts from diverse fields to foster collaboration on current statistical challenges in astronomy and cosmology.
For more information and a full list of speakers, please visit the conference website at: