Welcome to the Statistics Department! Below is information related to teaching in the department and at UC Davis.
Department Overview
- Department Profile and Leadership
- The Department of Statistics is located in the Mathematical Sciences Building. The department offers MS, PhD, and undergraduate programs in Statistics. The department also administers an undergraduate program in Data Science.
Statistics Department Leadership
Chair: Jiming Jiang
Graduate Program Vice Chair: Jie Peng
Undergraduate Program Vice Chair: Ethan Anderes
Data Science Major Leadership
Program Director: Alexander Aue
Student Overview
Graduate Students:
Masters: 90
PhD: 50
Undergraduate Students:
Statistics Majors: 922
Data Science Majors: 300 - Administrative Staff
NAME OFFICE CONTACT DUTIES General Matters Pete Scully
Chief Administrative Officer4115 MSB pscully@ucdavis.edu
754-4128Supervises administrative staff; general departmental matters. Daniel Chang
Business Manager4118C MSB
dlchang@ucdavis.eduContracts and grants,
accounting and financial management, Stat LabOlga Rodriguez
Administrative Assistant4118 MSB oirodriguez@ucdavis.edu 752-2361 Accounts assistant; Scheduling Department Space (Office
Hours and Study Sessions); General supplies;
ReprographicsNehad Ismail
IT Systems Administrator4206 MSB nnismail@ucdavis.edu IT Systems Administrator; responsible for computing and network systems within department. Michael Jin
Computing Resources Specialist4202 MSB micjin@ucdavis.edu Computing Resource Specialist Undergraduate Matters Kim McMullen
Undergraduate Program Coordinator4118B MSB kimcmullen@ucdavis.edu
Undergraduate Advising Email: stat-advising@ucdavis.eduUndergraduate Advisor; Scheduling Coordinator; Enrollment Management (waitlists, PTAs, etc.); Reader assignments. Jeff Katz
Undergraduate Program Coordinator4118D MSB jpkatz@ucdavis.edu
Undergraduate Advising Email: stat-advising@ucdavis.eduUndergraduate Advisor; textbooks; evaluations; Undergraduate program issues and inquiries; major advising. Graduate Matters Andi Carr
Graduate Program Coordinator4118E MSB abcarr@ucdavis.edu
752-1547Graduate Programs Coordinator; TA assignments; all matters related to graduate students Amy McFarland
MS Program Coordinator4118 MSB acmcfarland@ucdavis.edu
530-752-1532Masters Program Coordinator: All matters related to Masters Students - Department Space & Resources
- Department Space Reservations
The Statistics Department has several meeting rooms and small classrooms that instructors can reserve for their needs. These rooms are regularly reserved for office hours, study halls, TA/instructor meetings, etc. Olga Rodriguez (oirodriguez@ucdavis.edu) is the primary contact for department space reservations, but any department staff can also assist with reservations. Reservations are on a first come first served basis. Other general classrooms on campus may also be reserved for special class needs, such as review sessions. Those requests are made through the General Assignment Classroom Reservations Form (see more in the Classroom Information & Technology Basics section).
Department Space Options
Copiers & Printing, Shredding, etc.
Reproduction, collating, and stapling of exams is typically done by your TAs. Allow about two working days for most jobs. The copier we use for our copy jobs is located in the Statistics administrative area in MSB 4118. In some circumstances for very large classes we may approve using Reprographics – please check with Pete Scully first as this can be expensive. Please allow at least FOUR working days prior to your need for the copy job. Any less lead-time will result in a “penalty” fee to the Department. There is also a locked box for paper that needs to be shredded in the copy room.
Supplies & Mailing
Supplies such as chalk, white board pens, etc. are available in the Statistics supply area in MSB 4118. Please check with a member of staff. Mailing supplies, faculty and staff mailboxes and outgoing mail services are also available in MSB 4118.
Course Structure & Enrollment Basics
- Statistics Course & Scheduling Fundamentals
- Types of Classes
-Lower Division:
Courses numbered 1-99. Taken by students at all levels but primarily intended as introductory coursework in the field.
-Upper Division:
Courses numbered 100-199. Not intended for first-year students, but taken by students at all other levels. Intermediate to advanced coursework in the field.
-Graduate Level:
Courses numbered 200+. Only intended for graduate students. Some undergraduate students may receive special approval to take graduate level courses by completing this form.
-Variable Unit Courses:
Courses numbered 98, 99, 198, 199, 298, 299, 299D. Students may receive units for participating in research, independent study, special topic seminars, etc. Since these are not traditional courses, the number of units will vary based on the the number of hours of work in and out of the classroom (30 hrs. of work per 10 week qtr. (or 6 week summer session) = 1 unit). A variable unit contract must be completed by the student and faculty in order to enroll.
Students Taking STA Classes
-STA 13: Typically taken by students in the social sciences.
-STA 100: Typically taken by students in the biological sciences.
-STA 103: Typically taken by students in Economics/Managerial Economics.
-STA 32, 104-160: Primarily taken by Statistics and Data Science undergraduate majors and minors and some graduate students.
-STA 35ABC: Primarily taken by Data Science majors.
If you would like to learn more about the students enrolled in your classes, please utilize the tool linked below.
Know Your Students Tool
Standard Schedules & Structure
Most Statistics undergraduate courses meet for lecture on a MWF schedule for 50 minutes. A few undergraduate courses meet on TR (R=Thursday) for 80 minutes. Classes in the morning begin on the hour, 8, 9, 10, and 11, those in the afternoon begin at 10 minutes past the hour, 12:10, 1:10, etc. Undergraduate courses have an additional 50 minute discussion section during the week usually led by a TA. Most large undergraduate classes have multiple discussion sections per course since discussion sections are an opportunity for students to have a small classroom environment (e.g. STA 100 A01-A06). Most graduate classes are two hours MW or TR with 20-30 minutes allotted for discussion. Instructors can decide how best to use the discussion time allotted for graduate level classes.
Check the time of your classes using MyUCDavis. Look for the "Classes | Teach" tile.
Carnegie Rule
UC Davis follows the Carnegie rule, which prescribes that students are expected to complete an average of three total hours of work per week (including in-class and out-of-class time) for each course unit. For example, in a 4-unit class, students are expected to complete a total of 12 hours of work per week.
Department Scheduling Process & Timeline
The Chair in consultation with the Vice Chairs, CAO, and student services staff create the teaching schedule for the academic year. A teaching call will go out to you early November requesting your preferences for the following academic year.
Due to university and department policies regarding how classes must be scheduled, the department cannot take instructor day/time preferences into account when scheduling classes.
Statistics Teaching Assignments - Enrollment Policies & Procedures
- Student Registration
Students register for classes during two main periods called Pass Times. Pass 1 is the first opportunity for students to register for classes and typically takes place 1.5-3 months before the quarter begins. During Pass 1, registration in certain classes is restricted to certain student populations. For example, most Statistics classes are only open to Statistics and Data Science students. Students may contact you with requests to circumvent these restrictions, but please know that our department does not allow this (see PTA policy details below). Pass 2 is another opportunity for students to register or waitlist for classes.
Waitlist Management & PTAs
Students who have scheduling conflicts or who are on your wait list may ask you for a Permission to Add (PTA) number. PTA numbers override enrollment caps, time conflicts, and allow student to register past the typical add deadlines.
Courses with Waitlists:
The department follows the fire regulations of the university, and rarely allows a course to be overenrolled (i.e, have more students enrolled than the number of seats available in the assigned classroom.) Please work with Kim McMullen if your course has a waitlist. She can work with the Registrar's Office to find a larger classroom. If increasing the size of the class is not possible due to classroom size and/or instructor/TA resources, students on the waitlist should be notified so they can begin making alternative plans. Kim McMullen will likely reach out to you before the start of the quarter to discuss options if your course has a waitlist.
Students sometimes request PTA numbers to circumvent the waitlist. Please review the the Statistics Department’s full PTA policy below. It is recommended to include this on your syllabus and/or announce your PTA policy at the beginning of class. The department rarely issues PTA numbers for courses with waitlists and only does so after the 12th day of instruction when the waitlist ends.
Courses with Time Conflicts:
If a course does not have a waitlist, students may request a PTA to override a time conflict. It is at the instructor's discretion to approve this based on how the conflict will impact the student's ability to successfully complete the course and the extent of the conflict.
Statistics Department PTA Policy
Additional Enrollment Related Deadlines
12th Day of Instruction: Students have until the 12th day of instruction in order to add classes. If they wish to add a class after the 12th day of instruction, they may only do so with a PTA.
Drop Deadlines: Statistics courses either have a 10 or 20 day drop deadline. This means that if students are planning to drop a course they must do so by either the 10th day of instruction or 20th day of instruction. Most undergraduate courses have a 10 day drop deadline and most graduate level courses have a 20 day drop deadline. Students wishing to drop a class after this deadline may only do so for extenuating circumstances with permission of their Dean's Office or Graduate Studies.
P/NP or S/U Deadlines: Students may choose to take a letter-graded course on a Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis (S/U is for graduate students only). Beginning Fall 2023 undergraduate students have until the 40th day of instruction in order to change their course grading mode to P/NP. Graduate students have until the 25th day of instruction to change their grading mode to S/U.
Other Enrollment Policies
Open Enrollment/Concurrent Students: Some students will enroll in your course through UC Davis Extension or Open Campus. These students are called "concurrent" students or "open enrollment" students. They will approach you with a form at the beginning of the quarter. Provided there is space in the classroom, you may sign this form to allow the student to enroll in the course. If there is no space in the course and you have a wait list, priority must be given to those on the wait list before agreeing to admit an open enrollment student. Please note that if you do have open enrollment students in your course, although they will appear on your roster (if you signed them in), they may not appear on your grade roster. In this case, UCD Extension will send you a separate grade sheet for each open enrollment student enrolled in your course. - Classroom Information & Technology Basics
- General Assignment Classrooms
Each classroom is equipped with at least the following: Instructor table and chair, podium or table top lectern, data projector, projection screen or monitors, and one or more blackboards/whiteboards. For detailed information about individual classrooms, please use the guide below.
Please review your classroom information prior to the start of the quarter in case there are any issues with the classroom you are assigned.
Classroom Lookup Guide
If you have any specific needs for your classroom, please let Kim McMullen know as soon as possible. If your current classroom does not meet your needs due to size, technology limitations, structure, etc. she can work with the Registrar's Office to find an alternative room. It may not always be possible to change your classroom due to classroom availability so please request changes as soon as possible (ideally before the quarter begins).
Classroom Technology
General details regarding classroom technology can be found here. To view detailed information on how to use the smart panels for computer projection, video projection and audio playback, please use the guides linked below.
Classroom Media User Guides
Report audio visual equipment failure to the Classroom Hotline at 530-752-3333. The classroom hotline is answered during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (PT), closed during lunch 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. (PT).
Lecture Capture
Many classrooms on campus are equipped with a variety of recording options. All Lecture Capture capable rooms have the ability to record audio, slides, and document camera. Some rooms are also equipped with a camera, to record the instructor, and board work. Lecture capture examples can be viewed here.
If you wish to have lecture capture "turned on" for your class, please use the form below.
Lecture Capture Request Form
Classroom Reservations
Occasionally instructors may need to reserve additional General Assignment Classrooms for activities related to their courses (e.g. Review Sessions, exam days, special activities, etc.). Requests should be made using the General Assignment Classroom Reservations Form three business days prior to the activity. General Assignment Classrooms cannot be used for office hours. Kim McMullen can also assist with this process.
General Assignment Classroom Reservation Form
Classroom Etiquette
Please be considerate of instructors who are using the classroom before or after you.
-Start and end class on time.
-If discussions run over the scheduled time, move them out of the classroom so the next instructor may set up their class.
-Please return all technical equipment and other objects such as chairs to their proper place.
-Erase the chalkboard/whiteboard.
-The California Fire Code and the Office of the University Registrar’s policy prohibits movement of furniture or equipment in and out of the classroom.
-All aisleways must be kept clear at all times,
-Return seats to an orderly manner at the end of each class.
-Help preserve the classroom materials and furnishings by disposing of food and/or drinks properly.
Course Set-Up
- Instructor Responsibilities & Effective Teaching Resources
- Instructor Responsibilities
At minimum a faculty member is expected:
-To meet classes
-To post and keep regular office hours open to students w/o prior appointment
-To hold examinations as scheduled
-To evaluate student work in a timely manner
-To ensure that grades directly reflect course performance
UC Davis Faculty Guide
Faculty Code of Academic Conduct
Center for Educational Effectiveness Resources
Just-In-Time Teaching
CEE’s Just-in-Time Teaching (JITT) resources address a range of strategies instructors can readily use in their classrooms.
Instructional Resilience
Keep Teaching
To support UC Davis faculty during campus closures, this site provides concise, practical resources and strategies for moving part or all of a course online to help you keep teaching. - Your Syllabus
Regulation 537 of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate states requirements for undergraduate course outlines and office hours. Faculty are to provide students with a course outline containing information regarding the anticipated: topical content of the course, amount and kind of work expected, examination and grading procedures, and scheduled office hours of the instructor.
To promote academic integrity, prevent student misconduct, improve communication with students, and avoid potential grievances from students, faculty may find it useful to include the following kinds of information in a written course syllabus (and/or posted on Canvas):
Course Logistics Information
-Instructor name, office hours, and contact information;
-Course title, subject and number;
-Class dates, times, and locations;
-Purpose/goals of course;
-Topics to be covered and amount and kind of work required;
-A schedule of readings, assignments, tests, and due dates;
-Other relevant deadlines, such as: Drop deadlines, P/NP deadlines, last day of instruction, etc.
Grading & Exam Information
-Grading criteria and procedures, including weighting of assignments/tests;
-Policies and procedures for requesting re-grading of tests or assignments, if any.
Student Behavior & Academic Honesty Information
-Course expectations for respectful classroom participation and behavior to enhance student learning;
-Rules regarding plagiarism, appropriate paraphrase, and citation format;
-Guidelines for the amount of collaboration permitted on graded coursework;
-Rules for examinations (e.g., no talking, closed/open-book or notes, no leaving exam room without permission, alternate seating).
Office of Student Support & Judicial Affairs Sample Wording
Common Situation Information
-Requirements for obtaining extensions of time (if permitted) and documenting absences;
-Statement regarding accessibility and accommodations such as:
"UC Davis is committed to educational equity in the academic setting, and in serving a diverse student body. I encourage all students who are interested in learning more about the Student Disability Center (SDC) to contact them directly at sdc.ucdavis.edu, sdc@ucdavis.edu or 530-752-3184. If you are a student who requires academic accommodations, please submit your SDC Letter of Accommodation to me as soon as possible, ideally within the first two weeks of this course."Additional Resources for Creating a Syllabus
Statistics Syllabi Archive
Please feel free to add your syllabi to this archive as well.
Statistics Course Descriptions
Campus Calendars
Quarter Dates and Deadlines Calendar
Holidays & Breaks Calendar- Textbooks & Library Reserves
Textbook Orders & Instructor Copies
Jeff Katz will contact you several months before the quarter starts to order textbooks for your course. You will also receive emails from the UC Davis Bookstore. You can submit textbook information through Jeff or to the UC Davis Bookstore directly. If you would like to know what textbooks have been used in past quarters, Jeff can give you a list.
Instructor copies of textbooks may be checked out from the textbook cupboard in MSB 4118. Any department staff has the key to the cupboard. You may also receive access to ebooks for your course using the “Bookshelf” feature in Canvas. Jeff can also order evaluation copies for you if you have not decided on a text. You may also do this by directly contacting the publisher.
Students can purchase textbooks at the UC Davis Bookstore, online, or at other vendors of their choice.
Library Course Reserves
Materials for your class can be set aside at the library for students to borrow for free, lessening the amount of materials that must be purchased each quarter. Instructors may choose to place books, media, articles and more on reserve for their students. You can add content to course reserves by creating a "Reading List" in Canvas. See instructions below.
It is extremely important to submit your textbook information to Jeff/the UC Davis Bookstore and Course Reserves so students have a variety of ways to access the course materials. This is especially important in classes that typically use out of print textbooks since Course Reserves may be the only way students can access the material.
Course Reserves Instructions
Additional Library Resources
In addition to Course Reserves, the UC Davis Library offers a number of other teaching support resources. Learn more through the link below.
Teaching Support Resources
You can also submit a Purchase Request Form if you feel that there is a book, journal, or other resource that the library should be providing to the UC Davis community.- Canvas
Canvas is an online course management site. You may access UC Davis Canvas directly at canvas.ucdavis.edu. Canvas has baseline features such as assignment submission, discussion forums, quizzes, sharing files, grading, and announcements.
Canvas Instructor Guides
If you need additional help with canvas, see the Canvas Help page.
Common Issues
Start of Term Canvas FAQs
Merging Classes with Multiple Sections
End of Term Canvas FAQs
Recommended Student Resource Page
A group of UC Davis faculty have created an easy to use resource page that can be loaded into a Canvas course site or included as a link on a course syllabus or home page. The site is designed to provide information on general academic, health and wellness, career/internship, and community resources for students. View the page HERE.
There are two ways you can choose to use the FAQ resource:
1. Copy the url address below and provide a link directly to the page on your course web site, syllabus, or other course materials: https://ebeler.faculty.ucdavis.edu/resources/faq-student-resources/
2. In Canvas, create a new page in a course site or a sandbox, edit, and go to HTML view. Copy and paste the code below. This will directly embed the FAQ into your course Canvas site.<p><iframe src="https://ebeler.faculty.ucdavis.edu/resources/faq-student-resources/" width="100%" height="640"></iframe></p><p>If you do not see an embedded web page here, your browser may be blocking external content. Enable external content in your browser, or follow the link below to view the page.</p><p><a href="https://ebeler.faculty.ucdavis.edu/resources/faq-student-resources/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://ebeler.faculty.ucdavis.edu/resources/faq-student-resources/</a> </p>
You can learn more about the Student Resource FAQ page
- Class Rosters
Class Rosters can be accessed in two main ways: Canvas and the Photo Rosters Tool. The MyUC Davis "Classes | Teaching" tile is a great place to start and directly links these two ways.
My UC DavisCanvas
Navigate to the course page in Canvas and select "People" from the left side menu. This shows a basic list of students enrolled/waitlisted in that section.
Photo Rosters Tool
Select a course and you will see a summary of the enrollment cap, number of registered students, number of waitlisted students, etc. It will also show a list of all students enrolled/waitlisted and includes a photo for all students. This is also were you will review and approve prerequisite petitions. See additional details below.- Prerequisites & Prerequisite Checking
- Beginning Fall 2017, students are blocked from registering in undergraduate courses in which they do not have the prerequisites. Graduate courses are not impacted. Students who are blocked from registering for a course, but believe they have adequate experience through coursework at another university, etc. will be given an option to submit a petition to override the registration block. Instructors will then be required to review these petitions and approve or deny them. Students will be able to register for the class while their petition is pending review. Petitions for your courses can be viewed using the Photo Roster Tool.
View Petitions
Timeline & Common Situations
• Instructors can approve, deny, or choose to ignore the petitions. Petitions will automatically disappear
after the 20th day of instruction. If petitions are approved or ignored, students will be able to stay in the class. If petitions are denied, students will be dropped from the course.
• Many students that have transferred from other institutions will need to submit petitions noting that
they took the equivalent of the prerequisite at their previous institution. Be prepared to see a
significant number of these petitions in Fall quarter. Some students upload their transcripts and course
syllabi in the petitions, but many do not have easy access to this information. Most will just note that
they took the equivalent course at their previous institution. It is at the instructor’s discretion to
approve these or contact the student if additional information is preferred.
• Petitions should not be reviewed until after Pass 2 Registration. You are also encouraged to review all petitions early in the quarter to give students time to adjust their schedules if they are dropped from a course.
The Registrar’s Office has additional details about prerequisite checking here.
Course Management
- First Class Recommendations
- First Class
The administrative details that should be tended to on the first day include:
-discussing prerequisites,
-a review of your course syllabus.
-important dates
-explaining your homework policy and how homework is to be handed in (if it is going to be collected)
-waitlist and/or PTA policy information (if needed).
-remind students to "acknowledge" the Code of Academic Conduct. For all classes, students receive an notification requiring them to complete a quick form acknowledging the Code of Academic Conduct. This is required by the university for multiple reasons. Learn more here. - Large Class & General Classroom Management Recommendations
In teaching large classes offered by the Department, it helps to be as organized as possible and to set up strict rules for each class. In general, the larger your class is, the more inflexible you must be with your course policies. In particular, it is recommended you set strict policies on requests for make-up exams, the re-grading of exams, and accepting late homework.
Homework Process Recommendations
With regard to homework policy, you will want to specify how often homework is to be collected, the form in which it should be submitted and how much it counts toward the course grade. If homework is to be handed in, then it is strongly suggested that it be placed on the table or on a chair in front of the classroom at THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. Failure to make that stipulation can lead to students working on it and sharing solutions during lecture. Some people have found it useful to make a last call for homework before beginning to lecture and then to file the pile away. If students are going to miss class, you can advise them to slip their homework under your office door by a specified time, or to the TA during office hours. Do not have them put it in your mailbox in the Statistics office, as the mailboxes are restricted to faculty, graduate students, and staff only. If the homework has not been folded properly, illustrate the format. The first time homework is collected is the time to make sure you practice your homework policy. If students hand it in at the end of class, instead of upon arrival, remind them when you want it handed in and make it clear that it won't be accepted late, if you want to enforce such a strict policy. How much flexibility you can afford to allow is inversely proportional to your class size.
While there may be some difficulties associated with the logistics of collecting and returning homework papers in large classes, many instructors have found ways to alleviate these. For example, the class can be divided into groups, alphabetically determined, and certain groups turn in the homework. The groups selected to turn in the homework may be selected by the instructor, by "luck of the draw", or a combination. Another approach is to collect all of the homework with a subset of the papers graded, while the remaining get credit for turning in the work.
Attendance Process Recommendations
If your class size is relatively small, attendance can be taken by reading the names off of the class list. Taking attendance in large classes is impracticable; but, if you find it absolutely necessary, distribute sign-up sheets.
Discouraging Cheating
Large classes pose special problems with regard to cheating. You can discourage students from helping each other during exams by writing more than one version of each test. This can be done by permuting the order of the problems, changing the numbers in the problems, or varying the problems in some other minor way. The tests can be collated with the different versions alternating and then distributed in the usual fashion. It is recommended that you have at least one TA help you monitor each exam. You might also want to take steps to try to prevent students from having "ringers" take tests for them, such as using a seating chart and getting students to sign their tests.
Another form of cheating to be aware of is students changing answers on their graded tests and then claiming that errors were made in the grading. It is important, therefore, that graders clearly mark mistakes and mark through blank answer spaces. When returning exams, pass the graded exam from your hand to the student's hand. Returning a stack of exams to be passed around can lead to lost exams and also to "claims" of lost exams.
Returning Exams & Homework
Large classes present special logistics problems not encountered in small classes. Many instructors find it very helpful to assign a number to each student in the class, both to aid in identification and in the distribution of graded tests. If collecting homework at the beginning of class delays the start of your lectures, you might want to have students pass their papers to the end of each row and then up to the front during an opportune time in class, such as when you're erasing the board. Since students will sometimes forget their homework, you might want to set a policy allowing students to return homework under your office door by a specified time. It is very hard on the readers if you make a habit of accepting late homework.
Since the task of getting a large number of exams graded can be a formidable one, it is advisable to write tests that are conducive to relatively quick and efficient grading. The distribution and collection of tests in a large class can take several minutes, so it is desirable to take measures to have everyone in the class start and finish the tests at the same time. Tests can be returned by grouping them into two or three stacks using alphabetical order or class numbers and passing the stacks back in class (with test scores not readily visible).
Additional Recommendations
You should expect different student teacher dynamics and a different group psychology in larger classes as opposed to smaller ones, and you might have to adjust your usual lecturing style, since encouraging discussion is not practical.
Be sure to make students aware of the many sources of help available to them, both because many of them need additional help and to make your office hours less crowded. For example, peer tutoring available through the Academic Assistance and Tutoring Center. For the same reasons, it is suggested that you make test solutions (and, if possible, homework solutions) readily available to your students.
In addition to being well organized and establishing firm policies for the course, a key element in having a successful experience with a large class is maintaining good communication with your TAs. A true team effort can help make dealing with a large class more pleasant than it might be otherwise.- Office Hours
- While there is not a specific number of office hours required to be scheduled, two to three hours per week is usually quite adequate. Additional office hours or review sessions may be needed around the time of exams. If office hours cannot be accommodated in your regular office, department space may be requested on a first come, first served basis. See additional details in the Department Resources & Services section above.
- Course Evaluations
- The Department of Statistics uses an online Academic Course Evaluation tool, known as ACE. Each registered student is provided an online link to complete their evaluation of the instructors the week before finals. By default evaluations are open for seven days during the last week of instruction. Evaluation results are released to the instructor after all grades have been submitted.
Jeff Katz sets up the online teaching evaluations for your courses. He will contact you towards the end of the quarter in case you have any particular preferences with how they are set up and to verify your TA assignments. The default settings are preferred and work best with the online system.
Check Evaluations
If you would like to give direct reminders to your students regarding completing evaluations, you can direct them to https://eval.ucdavis.edu.
Common Situations
- Absences
- Student Absences
It is a faculty member's responsibility to deal directly with a student with respect to the student's brief absences from class for any cause. Below is campus guidance regarding absences for common situations.
Student-Athletes & School Sponsored Events
Religious Observance
Student Absences for Personal or Health Reasons
It is important to have clear policies regarding student absences for personal or health reasons as well. This is especially important for absences on exam days. Required documentation for an absences (such as a doctor's note) is a common practice at UC Davis but is not always possible for every situation. If a student missed an exam for good reason as determined by you, it may not always be desirable or practical to offer a makeup exam. Below are a few alternative solutions you can choose to adopt.
-Reweight future exams (e.g. if a student misses the first midterm, you can reweight the second midterm).
-Assign an Incomplete (see Grading and Exams section below for more information).
-Offer an oral exam.
Instructor Absences
If you must change or cancel an office hour, post the cancellation/change outside your office door, and, if possible, inform your class in advance.
If you are ill or have an emergency and cannot meet a class, inform Pete Scully (pscully@ucdavis.edu) as soon as possible so that suitable arrangements can be made.
If you plan to be away for meetings or other professional activities, prior authorization from the Chair is required. - Students with Disabilities
- In accordance with current law, students with documented disabilities may be entitled to in-class accommodations. Accommodations typically entail assistive technology, access to recording services, note takers, extended time on exams, a quite space for exams, etc. The student shall provide a letter from the campus Student Disability Center (SDC) with a recommendation for those academic accommodations. The Student Disability Center works in partnership with faculty to provide students the accommodations they need. It is the student's responsibility to request accommodations as soon as possible; this notification must be made within a period of time which allows the university a reasonable opportunity to evaluate the request and offer necessary adjustments. The instructor is responsible for acknowledging the accommodations in the SDC Faculty Portal (see links below).
Exam Accommodations
Students most often need extended time and/or exam environment accommodations. The SDC offers accommodated exam services. Faculty are responsible for completing a request form and providing details about the exam through the SDC Faculty Portal (see instructions below). Please make these requests as soon as possible!
Department Space – If the SDC’s is not available department space may be reserved. Please be aware that department space is severely limited. Please contact Olga Rodriguez two weeks in advance to reserve one of our department spaces. Proctors are not available (unless the instructor or TA are scheduled) to remain with the student for that time.
Faculty Portal
Instructions for Acknowledging Accommodations
Instructions for Accommodated Exam Services
Additional Policies
No accommodation shall alter the nature of the academic demands made of the student nor decrease the standards and type of academic performance. No accommodation shall require facilities or personnel that cannot reasonably be provided. The instructor should consult with the student and the SDC if there are any questions or concerns. If the instructor and the SDC cannot arrive at a mutually agreeable accommodation, the matter shall be resolved by a committee convened by the Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs that includes the instructor, the department chair, and members of the Vice Chancellor's Administrative Advisory Committee. - Students Struggling Academically & Late Drop Requests
- Check-In Suggestions
It is recommended to periodically check in with students and remind them to seek support if they are struggling.
Campus Resources
Students primarily receive support in their STA classes through attending instructor and TA office hours, but there are also additional resources available to students.
Academic Assistance & Tutoring Centers
Offer peer tutoring and consultations with math specialists available to students enrolled in introductory statistics courses (STA 13, STA 100, and R-Studio basics).
Success Coaching & Learning Strategies Center
Offer one-on-one coaching services and weekly learning strategies topics including: test taking strategies, goal setting, focus and concentration, study skills, maximizing lecture, task management, etc.
Private Tutoring
The Department provides a list of graduate student tutors to students who would like to hire a private tutor.
Late Drop & Late P/NP Requests
Students may contact you wishing to drop the course or making the course P/NP after the deadline. Instructors and the Statistics Department have no authority in these situations. Students must contact their College Dean's Office in order to request a Permission to Drop (PTD) number or a late P/NP. Information about the late drop and late P/NP process in the College of Letters and Science can be found here.
It is rare that these requests are approved and students typically need documentation of a extenuating circumstance. Not performing well in the class is not enough of a reason for their request to be granted. This is why it is important for deadlines to be included in the syllabus and for assignments and exams to be graded in a timely manner. - Academic Dishonesty
- Students enrolled in your courses are expected to abide by a Code of Academic Conduct. The Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) works in partnership with faculty to resolve issues of suspected misconduct if they arise.
If you believe a student has violated the code of academic conduct in your class, you are expected to submit an Academic Misconduct Report to OSSJA. Even if you believe the issue can be resolved between you and the student, you should still submit a report. The university will not know if this is a pattern of behavior for the student unless a report is submitted. You can learn more about how this process works here.
Academic Misconduct Report
You are recommended to take certain steps to prevent misconduct in the first place. OSSJA has put together resources for faculty to consider below.
Preventing Misconduct Resources
In addition to their formal reporting options, you can also consult with OSSJA staff at (530) 752-1128 or ossja@ucdavis.edu. - Distressed & Distressing Students
- The Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) is a resource for instructors not only in cases regarding academic dishonesty.
Distressed Students
Every year, students struggle with challenges and crises that interfere with their academic and student life success. UC Davis non-clinical Case Managers based in OSSJA provide support and assistance to students and to staff and instructors who become aware of students in need. OSSJA Case Managers receive information, identify resources, reach out to students, and follow up so that students receive help and that staff and faculty are kept informed when necessary and appropriate. OSSJA Case Managers make connections so that students in distress do not go unnoticed. OSSJA Case Managers are not licensed counselors and do not provide therapy. They do not replace the critical role that Student Health and Counseling Services has on our campus to help students, but they do serve as an important point of contact for anyone who is concerned about a student. For any questions about assisting a student of concern, contact OSSJA at (530) 752-1128 or ossja@ucdavis.edu. You can also file a report that you are concerned about a student:
CARE Report
In the Department of Statistics, please don’t hesitate to consult with our student services staff (Kim, Jeff, Amy, Andi), the Department Chair, or Vice Chairs for information about how best to support students who are experiencing a crisis.
Distressing Students
Instructors are not expected to tolerate disruptive or intimidating behavior by students. Students whose behavior is significantly disruptive on a single occasion, or who continue to be disruptive despite directions to cease should be referred to OSSJA. If necessary, instructors may direct a student to leave the classroom for disruptive behavior. For advice or further information, contact OSSJA at (530) 752-1128 or ossja@ucdavis.edu. You may also submit a formal misconduct report:
OSSJA Misconduct Report
Our student services staff (Kim, Jeff, Amy, Andi), the Chair, and Vice Chairs may also help in these situations.
You should also contact the UC Davis Police at (530) 752-1230 if an individual makes implicit or explicit threats of violence, or you believe there is significant risk of physical harm to you, to others, or to the student; if the student has a weapon; or if the student behaves in an intimidating or bizarre manner. The police will respond to investigate the threats or other circumstances, warn any intended victim, and determine whether the individual is dangerous, has committed a crime, or needs medical/psychological help.
Support Resources for Staff & Faculty
Instructors and staff may also need support in stressful situations. Below are a few resources you can take advantage of as someone employed by UC Davis.
Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP)
The Academic and Staff Assistance Program offers confidential, cost free assessment, counseling, intervention, consultation and referral services to all UC Davis and UC Davis Health faculty, staff and their immediate families.
The UC Davis Ombuds Office is a confidential, independent, impartial, and informal problem-solving and conflict management resource for all members of the UC Davis communities. They invite students, staff, and faculty, with university-related issues and concerns, to visit our office. The Ombuds can assist by listening to concerns, clarifying issues, identifying policies and resources, and providing coaching and communication strategies.
Grading & Exams
- Exam Policies
- Davis Division Regulation 538 and Academic Senate Regulation 770 & 772 regulate exam and final exam polices at UC Davis.
Exam Policies
Below is a summary of the most important policies related to exams.
-All undergraduate courses must have a final exam.
-A final examination may be wholly or in part of the take-home type.
-Each student shall have the right to take a final examination (or, when the instructor has so opted, to submit a take-home examination) at the time and on the date published in the Class Search Tool.
-In each course for which a midterm examination is required, each student shall have the right to take a midterm examination (or, when the instructor has so opted, to submit a take-home examination) during one of the scheduled meetings of the class published in the Class Search Tool.
-Holding a final or midterm examination (or setting a deadline for submission of a take-home examination) at a time not specified in the Class Search Tool requires the mutual consent of the instructor and all students involved in the change. Any student who does not consent in writing to the different time must be permitted to take an examination (and/or submit a take-home examination) at the officially scheduled time.
-Any departures from the published examination schedule should be carried out so as not to disadvantage students who are unable to accept the alternative examination schedule.
-An in-class final examination may not be rescheduled for a date earlier than the first day of final week. The due date for a take-home final examination may not be rescheduled for a date earlier than the first day of finals week.
-An instructor may release to individual students their original final examinations (or copies thereof) at any time. Otherwise the instructor shall retain final examination materials, or a copy thereof, until the end of the next regular term, during which period students shall have access to their examinations.
-A list of final exam administrative options can be found at https://academicsenate.ucdavis.edu/committees/courses-of-instruction/policies-procedures#finalexam.
Department Recommendations & Resources
Information about the final exam, date, time, room, should be announced to your class during the last week of class. Final exam times are assigned by the Registrar’s Office. You can view the final exam times for your courses in MyUC Davis. The final exam location is usually the same as the regular classroom unless otherwise noted. You can find out more about final exam scheduling here.
• Number of Midterms — As a general rule, the Department recommends that two midterms be given in lower division courses and either one or two midterms in upper division classes. It is a good idea to consult previous instructors of the course before deciding how many midterms to give.
• Old Exams — Copies of old final exams can be obtained from your colleagues. They give a good indication of the topics emphasized by previous instructors and the level of expectation at which the course was taught. They are also a source of test questions.
• Types of Exams — It is recommended that examinations in lower division classes be closed-book tests given in class. In large classes some instructors like to include some short answer or multiple choice questions to decrease the amount of time required for grading. Keep in mind, though, that students tend to prefer questions on which they can earn partial credit.
Expect that students will ask you for sample exams and for keys to the exams you give. - Grading Policies & Procedure
- Submitting Grades
Grades are due the Wednesday following finals week.
The most common way instructors submit grades is through Canvas, but there are other ways. You can learn more on the UC Davis Grading website.
Grading Policies
As mentioned in the previous section, it is essential that you precisely describe your grading policy at the start of the quarter. For example, how do you factor missed exams and partial credit complaints. The University regards your grading system as a contract with your students, so you should develop a system that will not have to be modified during the quarter. Grade inflation is strongly discouraged.
Additional UC Davis Grading Policies
Grade Changes
Academic Senate Regulations (system-wide and individual campus) provide that grades are final when filed with the Registrar. A grade can be changed only if a "clerical" or "procedural" error can be documented. No change of grade may be made on the basis of reassessment of the quality of a student's work, or, with the exception of incomplete (I) grades, the completion of additional work. No term grade except Incomplete may be revised by re-examination. To change a grade, a grade change petition must be submitted. You can submit them online through the online Grade Change Tool.
Grade Change Tool
The petition is then reviewed by the Grade Change Deputy. If the Deputy cannot approve the change, it is forwarded to the Grade Change Committee. Additional details can be found here.
Departmental Grade Distribution Archive
Grade distributions from previous quarters can be accessed via the link below.
Grade Distribution Archive
(Please be aware that this data is currently being updated to be more user friendly.)
Posting of Grades
Privacy of student records, which include both grades and graded papers, is the subject of comprehensive federal and state laws as well as University and Campus policies. These laws and policies require that students' written consent be given before others can have access to their records. The traditional practices of posting grades and leaving graded papers in public locations to be picked up by students violate student privacy rights unless written consent is first obtained from the students. This is true even if the grades are posted by student ID number rather than by name; if the student does not give authorization, the grade should not be posted.
- Incomplete Grades
- Incomplete Policies
A student may be given an "Incomplete" at any time during the quarter if the following three conditions are met:
-The student's work is of passing quality at the time they request the "Incomplete". (Make sure to record the date of such a request on your grade sheet.)
-The student has completed a significant portion of the work for the class.
-There is a valid excuse (such as a documented illness or a death in the family) for the student not to be able to continue the course. (In some cases, you might have to make an individual judgment on the validity of the excuse.)
In cases where you decide an "Incomplete" is warranted, you must fill out an Incomplete Report Form which requires indication of the reason for the "Incomplete," the work that the student needs to do in order to remove the I grade, and the method for determining the student's grade. The form must also be signed by the student. The completed form must be turned in to Kim McMullen (via email or in-person) at the same time the incomplete grades are submitted. It is important that Kim have a copy of the form because the student may make up their missing coursework several quarters later with a different instructor.
Incomplete Report Form - Scantron Exam Scoring
- Test Scoring & Scanning Resources
Students are expected to provide their own Scantrons if they are used for exams. Please remind students to bring them. Extra Scantrons can be found in the MSB 4118 supply area for people that forgot or if they are needed for creating keys.
Instructional Support
- Teaching Assistants
- Each undergraduate Statistics class will be assigned one or more graduate student TAs, depending on enrollment. The staff contact for TAs is Andi Carr (abcarr@ucdavis.edu); the faculty TA supervisor is Jie Peng.
It is important to remember that all Teaching Assistants are covered by the United Auto Workers union. The TA contract may be viewed online, at the UCnet. Contracts are sent to TAs before the start of the quarter and include a ‘Description of Duties’ worksheet which must be completed and signed by TA and instructor, and returned to Andi Carr.
TA duties - The duties performed by a TA may include holding office hours, writing solutions to homework and exam problems, holding discussion sessions, conducting labs, and grading exams
TA Hours - The number of hours per week that a TA will work is based on their assignment – average 10 hours per week for 25% appointment, average 20 hours per week for a 50% appointment. This can vary during the quarter but should be within the limits of their contract (see ‘Workload limitations’ below). The amount of TA hours assigned to a particular class depends on the level of difficulty of the class, the number of students enrolled, and the TA budget. If you have questions about the assignments, please consult Andi Carr or Jie Peng.
Workload limitations (per the TA Contract) - The following information is for a 50% TA assignment (divide in half for a 25% TA): o No more than 220 hours of work can be assigned during the entire quarter (110 hours for a 25% TA) o No more than 40 hours of work can be assigned in any one week o The number of hours of work assigned in excess of 20 in any one week cannot exceed a total of 50 for the entire quarter
Discussing expectations, policies and standards with your TA - Put reasonable time limits on your TAs when you give them an exam to grade. You should ask your TAs to reciprocate your consideration by giving you advance notice when they expect to be particularly busy. A little communication and cooperation can really help ease the work burden and make it more manageable.
The same is true for the final. If you plan to use your TA to grade the final, let him/her know well in advance. If your TA has a final shortly after the final, you may arrange for him/her to delay grading 13 until after his/her exam, or your TA may arrange to take his/her exam earlier or later than scheduled. Remember that your TA is, first and foremost, a student.
Clearly and specifically explain your expectations, policies, and standards to your TA. If you expect an exam to be graded in a certain way with a certain point scale, provide your TA with sample solutions and a point scale to follow. If you expect your TAs to grade according to their own judgment, be prepared to accept their decisions. It is not fair to ask a TA to regrade an exam just because their definition of "fair, but lenient," for example, is different from yours if you did not make your expectations clear before the exams were graded.
Let your TA know the approximate dates of your midterms and final exam. Make arrangements for monitoring and grading exams well in advance of the exam. Tell your TA when you'd like the graded exams returned, if you'd like the scores tallied and recorded, if you'd like the exams returned in alphabetical or numerical order by class number, etc. Do not leave exams in Department mailboxes.
Periodically update your TAs as to where you are in your syllabus (on target? behind? ahead? if so, how far?) so they know what questions to expect and can prepare for their office hours. Also ask your TAs to tell you periodically how much time they have spent on duties for your class. Don't wait until the last week of class to ask how much of their allotted time is left. If you expect TAs to occasionally attend your lectures, this will count toward their assigned work hours.
Evaluations: Instructors are expected to provide an evaluation of their Teaching Assistant at the end of the quarter. This will be administered by the graduate coordinator Andi Carr, and instructor evaluations of TAs are to be returned to Andi Carr at the start of the following quarter. These evaluations are an important way for the TA Supervisor to assess how a Teaching Assistant is performing.
Problem TA? - If you have a problem with a TA (poorly graded exams, missed office hours, poor communication, student feedback etc.) speak to the TA about it right away. If you continue to have difficulties, contact Andi Carr or the TA supervisor Jie Peng immediately. - Readers
- Each undergraduate Statistics class (except STA 013) may be assigned a reader that will provide services to the instructor as a “course assistant.” Their job duties will normally include the grading of student homework, quizzes, and exams for undergraduate statistics courses. Based on course enrollment, readers are assigned a maximum number of hours that they can work for the quarter. The reader’s workload may vary week to week, but they may not exceed the maximum number of hours.
Readers are assigned by Kim McMullen. It is the instructor’s responsibility to go over your expectations during your first meeting with the reader. Kim will give you a contract that is to be completed with your reader. Please be sure to outline how often assignments will need graded and how you want homework collected and turned back into you. A homework submission box is available in MSB 4118 for instructors to drop off assignments that need to be graded by their readers. You should NOT have your readers drop off graded homework in your department mailbox.
It is important to remember that all readers are covered by the United Auto Workers union. The contract may be viewed online, at UCnet.
Contracts are sent to readers before the start of the quarter. Remember that your reader is, first and foremost, a student so be sure to communicate with them about their schedules. Clearly and specifically explain your expectations, policies, and standards to your reader. If you expect an exam or homework assignment to be graded in a certain way with a certain point scale, provide your reader with sample solutions and a point scale to follow.
If you have a problem with your reader, please speak to your reader directly about their performance. You may also contact Kim McMullen if you continue to have difficulties.