
Statistical consultation is available at the following rates (effective 12/1/2018):

Internal Clients:

Registered UC Davis Graduate Students: No charge for thesis/dissertation related statistical advice, up to three hours (charged $120/hour thereafter). Limit: one case per year. $120 per hour for associated programming or computation. Please bring a copy of your Advanced to Candidacy document to the first meeting.

UCD Faculty and Staff: No charge for the first hour of consultation per project, then recharged to a grant or the department at $120 per hour.


University Affiliates:

No charge for the first hour of consultation per project, then charged for services from Stat Lab personnel at $120 per hour and variable salary hourly rates per hour for services from Stat Lab associate members.


External Clients:

External clients are charged $200 per hour for services from Stat Lab personnel. Variable hourly rates are charged for services from associate members.


For more information, please view/download our Stat Lab Brochure.

