COVID-19 Guidelines for the Statistics Department

During the COVID-19 pandemic, measures are being implemented in the department to help keep us safe. A Worksite Plan has been developed and was approved on 9/25/20. The approved plan can be accessed here: STATISTICS WORKSITE PLAN.  Maps of the Department of Statistics spaces and details of what is open and what is not can be found here: MSB 1st Floor, MSB 4th Floor. Employees and graduate students will be required to complete training in the Worksite Plan and confirm they understand the guidelines before being allowed to return to the department. At this point, we strongly encourage employees and graduate students to work or study from home where possible.

If you plan on coming to the department, here is a summary of the guidelines to remember.

  • Facial coverings are required in the building at all times, except if you are in your office alone. 
  • A minimum of six feet distance must be maintained where possible. Corridors and stairwells will have two-way traffic so please respect the space of others as you pass and do not congregate. A maximum of two people in an elevator at a time.
  • Employees and students are required to take the Daily Symptom Survey before entering the building. This is found at: . 
  • If you are experiencing ANY symptoms related to COVID-19 you MUST stay home - do not come to the department even to work alone in your office. For information on the possible symptoms of COVID-19, see:
  • Maintain good personal hygiene. Washings hands regularly and well can help slow the spread of the virus.  See: Personal and shared spaces that you use must be disinfected regularly. 
  • A Building Attendance System has been established in conjunction with the Math Department. All people entering the Math Sciences Building are asked to use the web form or sign-in sheet to record attendance each day that they enter the building. The form can be accessed at:

Hand sanitization stations have been placed at the entrances to the building. In the lobby there is also a paper contact tracing form for those who cannot access the web form. 

Additionally information regarding shared spaces:

  • The Main Office MSB 4118 is closed to the public, including the Copy Room 4118A which must remain locked. Faculty can access the office to check mailboxes. Faculty and staff may access the Copy Room, however graduate student keys will not open that space. 
  • Restrooms have a maximum 2-person usage. Only one sink is available at a time. 
  • Student Offices on the first floor will be single-use until further notice. A Google calendar for each student office is being set up which will be distributed to students by department staff before the quarter begins. Students will be able to reserve times when they will need to use their offices. Offices will need to be sanitized between use (equipment will be placed in offices).
  • The Study Lounge MSB 4110 on the fourth floor is closed until further notice. It may be reserved by teaching staff for remote teaching, single-use only. The adjoined kitchen MSB 4217 will also remain locked - although employees and graduate students may access it, there is a 1-2 person limit and it must be sanitized. There will not be staff on site to sanitize the space regularly throughout the day. 
  • The Computer Lab MSB 1139 is closed until further notice. Graduate students working in the department may be able to access to use the printer only, The second lab (MSB 1135) has been closed to students and is being converted into office space for lecturers. 
  • The Conference Room MSB 4208, the TA Office MSB 1117, the Seminar Room MSB 1143 and the Colloquium Room 1147 will be available for single-use reservation.
  • Shared Offices such as Lecturer, Post-Doc and Visiting Faculty offices will be open for those who have access, but social distancing must be observed and facial coverings worn when sharing the space.  

Information about the gradual return to campus, as well as the symptom survey and the Return To Campus training required of all UC Davis employees, can be found at the Campus Ready website:

MANDATORY: If you, or someone with whom you share a residence, receives a confirmed positive COVID-19 test result or a COVID-positive diagnosis from a physician, please follow the reporting process at:

The Mathematical Sciences Building remains closed at this time, accessible only by employees and graduate students of the Statistics and Mathematics Departments, and COSMOS. Math has posted their COVID-19 Building Policy here:

We thank you for your understanding during this highly unprecedented time, and look forward to a safe return to campus in the near future. 

The Staff at the Department of Statistics.