
The Statistics Department employs 6-10 readers on a quarterly basis. Readers provide diverse services to instructors as  “course assistants."  Their tasks normally include the grading of student homework, quizzes, and exams for undergraduate statistics courses. A reader will NOT be teaching or holding office hours. The current pay rate for undergraduate and graduate readers can be found here. The reader appointment can be renewed based on performance evaluation from the instructor and the availability of reader hours.


  • Full-time UC Davis registered student (declared statistics or data science majors preferred)
  • Student must be in good academic standing
  • 3.0 or higher overall and major GPAs (on a 4.00 point scale)
  • Must have taken the course or a closely related course and received a “B” or better grade
  • Must be eligible for employment (US Citizen, lawful Permanent Resident, eligible Visa status (J1, F1), Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA))
  • Must have excellent time management skills and good attention to details
  • Must be able to communicate effectively
  • A student may not serve as a reader in a course in which they are enrolled.

To apply or for more information, please contact the Undergraduate Program Coordinator (