Double Major MS Admissions

Double-Major MS application guideline

If you are a current UC Davis graduate student and would like to add Statistics as a double-major master's degree, then you are highly encouraged to talk to the MS Admissions Chair, Professor Jie Peng, first. We also recommend you review the Graduate Studies policy on Changing Majors or Objectives.

Recommendation: We strongly suggest that you take a couple of Statistics MS program core course requirements before applying to the double major. It is helpful to show demonstrated ability to increase the chance of success with the material before admitting.

How to apply

Applications for the Statistics double-major master's degree are made internally, not through the online application system. If you wish to apply, please send the following documents to the Masters Program Coordinator, Amy McFarland (

  • Transcripts: UCD transcripts as well as transcripts from prior institutes where you attended for undergraduate and/or graduate studies.  Unofficial copies are sufficient.
  • Personal Statement: Tell the committee a little about yourself and highlight your academic preparation and motivation; interests, specializations and how an MS in Statistics would support your career &/or further education goals.  (No length requirement; a page or so is typical)
  • Three letters of recommendation: Please ask the letter writers to send their recommendations directly to Amy McFarland (


  1. The program coordinator will compile the application material into one file and send it to the MS admissions committee for review.
  2. Click here for MS admission and course requirements.  The admission requirements stated are the minimum requirements. It is expected that successful applicants have already had knowledge of and prior exposure to statistical methods as evidenced, for example, through completion of statistics courses with good grades.
  3. If admitted, the student will be assigned a faculty advisor and should make an appointment with them discuss a study plan.
  4. Students in a double major program may share up to 12 units between graduate degrees with the approval of the graduate advisor and the Dean of Graduate Studies. The student must spend a minimum of two quarters in regular graduate standing in the Statistics master’s program to meet the residency requirements of the Graduate Division. 



Applications will be reviewed in each quarter and must be received by the deadline to be considered for that quarter.

Quarter of admission - Deadline

Admission for Winter 2025 - Deadline: Friday, November 1, 2024

Admission for Spring 2025 - Deadline: Friday, February 7, 2025

Admission for Fall 2025 - Deadline: Friday, May 2, 2025


Incoming Graduate Students

UC Davis graduate students interested in adding an MS Statistics major must complete at least two quarters in regular graduate standing if adding a second master’s program. So, if you start at UC Davis in a Fall quarter, the earliest quarter you could add the MS Statistics major would be the following Spring, which you would apply for in Winter quarter.


Note: these guidelines were approved by the MS admissions committee in September 2016.