STA 290 Seminar: Jeffrey S. Hoch

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Event Date

Mathematical Sciences Building 1147

Speaker: Jeffrey S. Hoch (Professor and Chief, Division of Health Policy and Management, Public Health Sciences, UC Davis)

Title: "How the net benefit framework addresses challenges in the analysis of cost-effectiveness data"

Abstract: Economic evaluations commonly accompany trials of new treatments or interventions; however, regression methods and their corresponding advantages for the analysis of cost-effectiveness data are not widely appreciated. To illustrate  regression-based economic evaluation, we review the analysis of a cost-effectiveness  dataset and implement net benefit regression, as an example. Net benefit regression  offers a simple option for cost-effectiveness analyses of person-level data. By placing economic evaluation in a regression framework, regression-based techniques can facilitate the analysis and provide simple solutions to commonly encountered challenges (e.g., the need to adjust for potential confounders, identify key patient subgroups, and/or summarize "challenging" findings, like when a more effective regimen has the potential to be cost-saving). Economic evaluations using patient-level data (e.g., from a clinical trial) can use net benefit regression to facilitate analysis and enhance results.

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Seminar Date/Time: Thursday June 8th 2023, 4:10pm, at MSB 1147

Refreshments : 3:30pm
