Position Title
Associate Professor
Position Title
Associate Professor
- Statistics
4218 Mathematical Sciences Building
One Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
One Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Research Interests
Anomaly/signal detection for streaming data
Graph-based methods
Two-sample test for high-dimensional and non-Euclidean data
Change-point analysis for high-dimensional and non-Euclidean data
Categorical data analysis
Allele-specific copy number variation analysis
Single cell sequencing data analysis
Recent Publications
- Chen, H. (2018). Sequential change-point detection based on nearest neighbors. The Annals of Statistics, accepted.
- Chu, L., Chen, H. (2018). Asymptotic distribution-free change-point detection for multivariate and non-Euclidean data. The Annals of Statistics, to appear. [R package (gSeg)]
- Chen, H., Chen, X. and Su, Y. (2018). A weighted edge-count two sample test for multivariate and object data. JASA, Theory and Methods, 113(523):1146-1155. [R package (gTests)]
- Urrutia, E., Chen, H., Zhou, Z., Zhang, N. and Jiang, Y. (2018). Integrative pipeline for profiling DNA copy number and inferring tumor phylogeny. Bioinformatics, bty057.
- Maxwell, K., Wubbenhorst, B., Wenz, B., Sloover, D., Pluta, J., Emery, L., Barrett, A., Kraya, A., Anastopoulos, I., Yu, S., Jiang, Y., Chen, H., Zhang, N., Hackman, N., D'Andrea, K., Daber, R., Morrissette, J., Mitra, N., Feldman, M., Domchek, S. and Nathanson, K. L. (2017). BRCA locus-specific loss of heterozygosity in germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers. Nature Communications, 8(1), 319.
Chen, H., Jiang, Y., Maxwell, K., Nathanson, K. and Zhang, N. (2017). Allele-specific copy number estimation by whole Exome sequencing. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 11(2), 1169. [R package (falconx)
Ph.D., Stanford University