Miles Lopes, Ph.D.

Miles Lopes

Position Title
Associate Professor

  • Statistics
4105 Mathematical Sciences Building
One Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616

Research Interests

  • Bootstrap methods
  • High-dimensional inference
  • Error estimation for randomized algorithms

Selected Recent Publications

  • Central limit theorem and bootstrap approximation in high dimensions: Near 1/√n rates via implicit smoothing, M. E. Lopes
    to appear: The Annals of Statistics, 2022+. [arxiv]
  • A sharp lower-tail bound for Gaussian maxima with application to bootstrap methods in high dimensions, M. E. Lopes, J. Yao
    Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2022. [pdf] [link]
  • Rates of bootstrap approximation for eigenvalues in high-dimensional PCA, J. Yao, M. E. Lopes
    to appear: Statistica Sinica, 2022+. [arxiv]
  • Bootstrapping max statistics in high dimensions:
    Near-parametric rates under weak variance decay and application to functional and multinomial data, 
    M. E. Lopes, Z. Lin, H.-G. Mueller
    The Annals of Statistics, 2020. [link] [pdf] [arxiv]
  • Estimating the algorithmic variance of randomized ensembles via the bootstrap, M. E. Lopes
    The Annals of Statistics, 2019. [link] [pdf] [arxiv]
  • Bootstrapping spectral statistics in high dimensions, M. E. Lopes, A. Blandino, A. Aue
    Biometrika, 2019. [link] [arxiv]


  • UC Berkeley Ph.D.