Data Science Change of Major Requirements and Process

The Winter 2025 Lottery is now closed.

The Data Science major has a capped admission process which means entrance into the major will only be open to continuing students through a lottery. 

Lottery Eligibility

Course Requirements

In order to be eligible for the lottery, you need to have completed the following courses and received a minimum 3.2 GPA in the entire group of courses. All courses must also be taken for a letter grade with no grade less than a C.

  • ECS 32A* (4 units)
  • ECS 32B* (4 units)
  • MAT 21A (4 units)
  • MAT 21B (4 units)
  • MAT 21C (4 units)
  • MAT 22A (3 units)
  • STA 13 or STA 32 or STA 35A or STA 100 (4 units)

NOTE: The only exception to the letter grade requirement is if you received credit for any of these courses through AP/IB exams. The Department may be able to consider applicants who have ONE C- grade depending on the number of lottery entries during the term in which you are applying. Our department can only consider this exception if you have documentation of a serious personal issue which impacted your performance in a specific course. Students who have met all of the eligibility requirements will be given priority. 

*ECS 36A and ECS 36B may be used in place of ECS 32A and ECS 32B for the lottery eligibility requirements in some cases. Please consult with an advisor in the Department of Statistics. ECS 36A and/or ECS 36B cannot be used to fulfill the lottery eligibility requirements if you already have credit for ECS 32A and/or ECS 32B.  If approved to make this substitution, you will still be responsible for meeting any future prerequisite requirements and may need to take up to ECS 36C in the future.  Please be aware that the ECS 36 and 32 series have credit restrictions.  

Unit Requirements

You must have fewer than 135 units completed (not including AP/IB units) at the time of the lottery.  

Lottery Logistics

The Data Science lottery takes place once per quarter (excluding Summer Sessions).  The lottery will open on the 10th day of instruction and close on the 25th day of instruction every quarter.  No late entries will be accepted. Since admission into the Data Science major is not guaranteed, we strongly recommend having a backup plan. 

Please review the lottery FAQs below if you have any questions. You may also schedule and appointment with a peer advisor or email

 Lottery FAQs

  • Why is there a lottery?
  • Data Science has a capped admission process.  This means that the Statistics Department can only admit a certain number of students per year in order to stay within an established cap. Students who were admitted to UC Davis not as a Data Science major, may only enter the Data Science major through a lottery to ensure that we do not admit students beyond the cap. 
  • How should I prepare for the Data Science major lottery?
  • We strongly recommend meeting with an advisor in the Statistics Department if you are considering entering the lottery to change your major/double major in Data Science.  Peer advisors in the Statistics Department have appointment availability.  You can learn more on our advising page.  

    During advising, we recommend discussing: 

    -How to plan for the eligibility requirements to be completed prior to the next lottery.
    -How planning for the lottery and the Data Science major will impact your degree progress and timeline. 
    -How to create a backup plan in case you are not admitted into the major. Remember that admission into the Data Science major is not guaranteed so you should keep your options open for other majors.  There may be other major or minor options on campus that can help you accomplish your academic or career goals.
  • Do I need to enter the lottery in order to add Data Science as my second major? 
  • Yes, your only way to add Data Science as your second major is through the lottery.  

    Please be aware that it is not possible to double major in Data Science and Statistics, Data Science and Computer Science, or Data Science and Computer Science Engineering. 
  •  Is there any way for me to enter the lottery if I have not met the minimum eligibility requirements?
  • The lottery eligibility requirements are strictly enforced.  

    The Department may be able to consider applicants who have ONE C- grade depending on the number of lottery entries during the term in which you are applying. Our department can only consider this exception if you have documentation of a serious personal issue which impacted your performance in a specific course. This consideration does not include missing a required course, the minimum GPA, or exceeding the unit limit. Students who have met all of the eligibility requirements will be given priority.

  •  Am I eligible to enter the lottery if I am currently taking one of the course requirements?
  • No, all course requirements need to be completed and graded prior to the lottery. 
  • How will students be selected from the lottery?
  • Selection into the Data Science major through the lottery will be completely random. We will not be prioritizing students based on GPA, degree progress, current major, etc.  We will assign each student who completes the lottery entrance form a number and utilize a random number generator.  
  • How do I calculate my GPA in the lottery eligibility courses?
  • We recommend utilizing the Data Science Lottery Check Degree Worksheet in OASIS.  To access the Degree Worksheet, log into OASIS and go to the "Degree Worksheets" tab.  You will be able to search for "Data Science" in the "Find a worksheet:" area. Once "Data Science" is selected, there will be two worksheet options. Select "Data Science Lottery Eligibility Check."  If you have any questions about whether you are eligible to enter the lottery, please email 
  • When and how will we hear back about lottery results?
  • You will be notified of the lottery results via email.  The notices will go out within 10 business days of the lottery close date.   
  • Can I petition the lottery results to be reconsidered?
  • No.  Lottery decisions are final.  You may reenter the lottery the next time it opens if you still meet the eligibility requirements. 
  • If I am selected from the Data Science lottery, what are the steps to declare a major in Data Science?
  • 1. Schedule an appointment with a Statistics Department staff advisor to create an academic plan by the deadline given.  

    2. During the appointment, your advisor will submit the Change of Major form on your behalf.  

    3. At this time, you will also be subject to the University and College of Letters and Science Change of Major/Double Major requirements. You can learn more about these requirements here
  • If I am not selected from the Data Science lottery, what do I do?
  • Although you were not admitted into the Data Science major, there may be other major or minor programs that will help you reach your future academic or career related  goals.  Relevant majors you may want to explore are Mathematical Analytics and Operations Research, Computer Science, Statistics-Statistical Data Science Track, and Statistics-Machine Learning Track.  

    You may choose to reenter the lottery as many times as you like as long as you maintain the lottery eligibility requirements. Please remember there is a 135 unit limit.  
  • Is there a minor in Data Science?
  • No.  The Departments of Statistics offers one minor program in Statistics

    In addition to Statistics, other minors that may interest you are: Data in Society, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computational Biology, Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics, Geographic Information Systems, Accounting, and Technology Management. Find out about all these and more on the UC Davis minors page.
  • Can I complete all of the courses required for the Data Science major and then retroactively get credit for doing this major?
  • No. Students will not be allowed to declare the Data Science major even if they take all the required coursework.  The only way to declare the Data Science major is through the lottery process.  
  • I was admitted to UC Davis as a Data Science major.  Do I have to enter the lottery to be “officially” a Data Science major?
  • No, you do not have to enter the lottery.  If you were admitted to UC Davis as a Data Science major, you are already an officially declared Data Science major and do not need to enter the lottery.  The lottery is only for students who were admitted to UC Davis as a different major or if you changed your major out of Data Science and are trying to change back.