Seminars 2014-15

FALL 2014:


Fall Seminar Instructor: Prof. Debashis Paul

Thursday, October 2, 4:10pm
Speaker: Xiaotong Shen (Univ. Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Title: "Estimation of a directed Gaussian graph”

Friday October 3, 4:10pm:
Speaker: Qiwei Yao (London School of Economics, UK)
Title: “Segmenting Multiple Time Series by Contemporaneous Linear Transformation”

Thursday, October 9, 4:10pm
Speaker: Holger Dette (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
Title: "Quantile based spectral analysis”

Thursday, October 16, 4:10pm
Speaker: Alexander Soshnikov (Dept. Mathematics, UC Davis)
Title: "Spectral Properties of Lare Random Matrices”

Thursday, October 23, 4:10pm
Speaker: Noureddine El Karaoui (UC Berkeley)
Title: ”On high-dimensional robust regression and inefficiency of maximum likelihood methods"

Monday, October 27, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1143)
Speaker: Joe Guinness (North Carolina State Univ.)
Title: ”Circulant embedding of approximate covariances for inference from Gaussian data on large lattices"

Thursday, October 30, 4:10pm
Speaker: Victor Panaretos (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Title: "Separating amplitude and phase variation in point processes”

Monday, November 3, 4:10pm
Speaker: Ery Arias-Castro (UC San Diego)
Title: "Community detection in a random network”

Thursday, November 6, 4:10pm
Speaker: Joshua Patrick (UC Davis)
Title: "Spatio-temporal modeling of solar irradiance data”

Friday, November 14, 4:10pm
Speaker: Qiuyan Xu (Liberty Mutual)
Title: "Data science application in financial sectors”

Monday, December 1, 4:10pm
Speaker: Jason Lee (Stanford Univ)
Title: "Selective inference via the condition on selection framework: applications to inference after variable selection”

Tuesday, December 2, 4:10pm
Speaker: Shahin Tavakoli (Cambridge Univ, UK)
Title: "Fourier analysis of functional time series, with applications to DNA dynamics”

Thursday, December 4, 4:10pm
Speaker: David Ginsbourger (University of Bern, Switzerland)
Title: "Incorporating structural priors in Gaussian random field models

Friday, December 5, 4:10pm
Speaker: Miles Lopes (UC Berkeley)
Title: "Denoising for unknown sparsity in compressed sensing”

Tuesday, December 9, 4:10pm
Speaker: Jessica Cisewski (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
Title: "Cosmology with Persistent Homology and the Lyman-alpha Forest”

Wednesday, December 10, 4:10pm
Speaker: Johannes Lederer (Cornell Univ.)
Title: "Tuning parameters in high-dimensional statistics”


WINTER 2015:

Fall Seminar Instructor: Prof. Jane-Ling Wang


Monday January 5, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1143), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Yuekai Sun (Stanford University)
Title: "A one-shot approach to distributed sparse regression"

Tuesday January 6, 4:30pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Yehua Li (Iowa State University)
Title: "Functional Principal Component Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Point Processes with Applications in Disease Surveillance"

Wednesday January 7, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1143), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Xiaodong Li (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: "Low-rank recovery: from convex to nonconvex methods"

Thursday January 8, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Irina Gaynanova (Cornell University)
Title: "Multi-group classification via sparse discriminantanalysis"

Monday January 12, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1143), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Anru Zhang (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: "High-dimensional low-rank matrix recovery"

Tuesday January 13, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Tanya Garcia (Texas A&M University)
Title: "Robust mixed-effects model for clustered failure time data: application to Huntington's disease event measures"

Wednesday January 14, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1143), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Mikyoung Jun (Texas A&M University)
Title: "Some models for spatial-temporal processes on the globe"

Thursday January 15, 4:30pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Hui Zou (University of Minnesota)
Title: "Computable Oracle Optimality of Folded Concave Penalized Estimation"

Friday January 16, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Johann Gagnon-Bartsch (UC Berkeley)
Title: "Removing Unwanted Variation with Negative Controls"

Tuesday January 20, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: James Sharpnack (UC San Diego)
Title: "Testing for Structured Normal Means"

Wednesday January 21, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Rachel Wang (UC Berkeley)
Title: "Problems in network modeling: inferring edges and community detection"

Thursday January 22, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Sivaram Balakrishnan (UC Berkeley)
Title: "Statistical and Computational Guarantees for the EM Algorithm"

Monday January 26, 3:30pm (Location: MSB 3106, Math Dept), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Guang Cheng (Purdue University)
Title: "Semi-Nonparametric Inference for Massive Data"

Tuesday January 27, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA/BST 290
Speaker: Jascha Sohl-Dickstein (Stanford University)
Title: "Training and Manipulating Large Scale Probabilistic Models"


Thursday February 5: NO SEMINAR

Thursday February 12: NO SEMINAR

Thursday February 19, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA 290
Speaker: Hee Min Choi (Dept Statistics, UC Davis)
Title: "Analysis of MCMC algorithms for Bayesian linear regression with Laplace errors"

Thursday February 26: 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA 290
Speaker: Kaushik Ghosh (Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas)
Title: "A Unified Approach to Inference based on Ranked Set Sampling and its variations"

MARCH 2015

Monday March 2, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA 290
Speaker: Yin Xia (Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Title: "Testing of High-Dimensional Covariance Structures"

Tuesday March 3, 4:10pm (Location: 1127 Kemper), STA 290
Speaker: Cho-Jui Hsieh (Univ. Texas, Austin)
Title: "Exploiting Structure in Large-Scale Machine Learning Problems"

Thursday March 5, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA 290
Speaker: Alexander Bouchard-Côtè (Univ. British Columbia)
Title: "Realistic evolutionary models and efficient Monte Carlo methods"

Thursday March 12, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA 290
Speaker: Yuedong Wang (UC Santa Barbara)
Title: "A Suite of S functions Implementing Spline smoothing Techniques"


SPRING 2015:

Fall Seminar Instructor: Prof. Prabir Burman


Tuesday March 31, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147), STA 290

Speaker: Bala Rajaratnam (Stanford University)
Title: "The Deterministic Bayesian Lasso: Estimation and Shrinkage via Limit of Gibbs Sampling"

Thursday, April 2, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 3106 - Maths Dept) STA 290

Speaker: Yazhen Wang (University of Wisconsin)
Title: "Quantum Computation and Statistics"

Thursday, April 9, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147) STA 290

Speaker: David Stoffer (University of Pittsburgh)
Title: "Almost everything you always wanted to know about NONLINEAR STATE SPACE MODELS (but were afraid to ask)"

Thursday, April 16, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147) STA 290

Speaker: Tailen Hsing (University of Michigan)
Title: "Analyzing spatial data locally"

Thursday, April 23, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147) STA 290 - SEMINAR CANCELLED (4/23/15)

(Speaker: Bimal Sinha, University of Maryland, Baltimore)

Tuesday, April 28, 4:10pm: UC BERKELEY / UC DAVIS JOINT COLLOQUIUM (Location: UC Berkeley) STA 290

Speaker: Debashis Paul
Title: "Spectral analysis of linear time series in high dimensions"

Thursday, April 30, 4:10pm: JOINT MATHEMATICS / STATISTICS COLLOQUIUM (Location: MSB 1147)

Speaker: Gunnar Carlson (Stanford University)
Title: "The Shape of Data"
ABSTRACT (links to Math Dept page)

MAY 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 4:10pm: Statistics Department Town Hall Meeting

(Location: MSB 1147) * Not a STA 290 seminar * 

Thursday, May 7, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147) STA 290

Speaker: Jose Chacon (University of Extremadura, Spain)
Title: "A population background for nonparamentric density-based clustering"

Monday, May 11, 4:10pm: JOINT PHYSICS / STATISTICS / COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM (Location: 1002 Giedt Hall)

Speaker: Tony Hey (Senior Data Science Fellow, eScience Institute, U. Washington)
Title: "The Fourth Paradigm: Data-intensive Scientific Discovery, Open Science and the Cloud"

Thursday, May 14, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147) STA 290

Speaker: Prasad Naik (Graduate School of Management, UC Davis)
Title: "Robust estimation for conservative marketing resource allocations"

Tuesday, May 19, 4:10pm: (Location: MSB 1147) STA/BST 290

Speaker: Abhyuday Mandal (University of Georgia, Athens)
Title: "Optimal Design of Experiments for Generalized Linear Models"

Thursday, May 21, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147) STA 290

Speaker: Javier Rojo (University of Nevada, Reno)
Title: "Body Mass Index, Obesity, Haseman-­‐Elston, Orders by Dispersion, and Estimation Under Constraints"

Thursday, May 28, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147) STA 290

Speaker: Naoki Saito (Dept Mathematics, UC Davis)
Title: "Multiscale Harmonic Analysis on Graphs and Networks: Tools and Applications"


JUNE 2015

Thursday, June 4, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1147)

Speaker: Alexandra Piryatinska (Dept. Mathematics, San Francisco State University) 
Title: "Methodology for Segmentation of time series of arbitrary nature via $\epsilon$-complexity of continuous function its applications"



Tuesday, July 28: 10:00am (Location: MSB 4208, 4th Floor Conference Room)

Speaker: Samuel Mueller (University of Sydney, Australia)

Title: Interactive and data adaptive model selection with mplot