FALL 2019:
Fall Seminar Instructor: Prof. Miles Lopes
- Thur, Sept 26, 4:10pm: NO SEMINAR
- Thur, Oct 3, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Regina Liu, Distinguished Professor, Statistics, Rutgers University
- Title: “Prediction with Confidence – General Framework for Predictive Inference”
- Speaker: Regina Liu, Distinguished Professor, Statistics, Rutgers University
- Thur, Oct 10, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Pantelis Loupos, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
- Title: “Starting Cold: The Power of Social Networks in Predicting Non-Contractual Customer Behavior”
- Speaker: Pantelis Loupos, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
- Thur, Oct 17, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Wenxin Zhou, Mathematics, UC San Diego
- Title: “Smoothed Quantile Regression: Fast Computation, Bootstrap Inference and Nonconvex Regularization”
- Speaker: Wenxin Zhou, Mathematics, UC San Diego
- Thur, Oct 24, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Julie Novak, Netflix
- Title: “Statistical Methodologies in Streaming Experimentation at Netflix”
- Speaker: Julie Novak, Netflix
- Thur, Oct 31, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Xiaodong Li, Statistics, UC Davis
- Title: "Spectral methods in networks: hierarchical structures and risk estimation"
- Speaker: Xiaodong Li, Statistics, UC Davis
- Thur, Nov 7, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Thomas Strohmer, Mathematics, UC Davis
- Title: "A rigorous framework for data clustering"
- Speaker: Thomas Strohmer, Mathematics, UC Davis
- Thur, Nov 14, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Dalia Ghanem, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis
- Title: “Causal Inference using Panel Data with Applications to Experimental and Environmental Economics”
- Speaker: Dalia Ghanem, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis
- Tue, Nov 19, 1:10pm:
- Speaker: Sanjay Chaudhuri, Statistics, National University of Singapore
- Title: "Empirical Likelihood Under Mis-specification: Degeneracies and Random Critical Points:
- Speaker: Sanjay Chaudhuri, Statistics, National University of Singapore
- Thur, Nov 21, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Grace Yi, Computer Science / Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Western University
- Title: “Making Sense of Noisy Data: Why and How?”
- Speaker: Grace Yi, Computer Science / Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Western University
- Tue, Nov 26, 4:10pm (Location: MSB 1143): Joint Statistic-Econometrics Colloquium
- Speaker: Dimitris Politis, Distinguished Professor, Mathematics, UC San Diego
- Title: "Model-free prediction and regression with an application to locally stationary time series"
- Speaker: Dimitris Politis, Distinguished Professor, Mathematics, UC San Diego
- Thur, Dec 5, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Krishna Balasubramanian, Statistics, UC Davis
- Title: “Normal Approximations for Stochastic Iterative Estimators (and Martingales)”
- Speaker: Krishna Balasubramanian, Statistics, UC Davis
WINTER 2020:
Winter Seminar Instructor: Prof. Krishna Balasubramanian
- Mon, Jan 6, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Matteo Sesia, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
- Title: “Developments in knockoff generation and genetic mapping”
- Speaker: Matteo Sesia, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
- Wed, Jan 8, 10:30am:
- Speaker: Nina Miolane, Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
- Title: "Geometric statistics for shape analysis of bioimaging data"
- Speaker: Nina Miolane, Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
- Thur, Jan 9, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Kris Sankaran, Postdoctoral Fellow, Quebec AI Institute
- Title: “Navigation and Evaluation in High-Dimensional Data”
- Speaker: Kris Sankaran, Postdoctoral Fellow, Quebec AI Institute
- Thur, Jan 16, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Lin Liu, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health
- Title: “The possibility of nearly assumption-free inference in causal inference”
- Speaker: Lin Liu, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health
- Wed Jan 22, 10:10am:
- Speaker: Claire Donnat, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
- Title: “Quantifying Uncertainty in Complex Systems with Applications to Brain Connectomics”
- Speaker: Claire Donnat, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
- Thur, Jan 23, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Johannes Royset, Department of O.R., Naval Postgraduate School
- Title: "Variational analysis in statistics"
- Speaker: Johannes Royset, Department of O.R., Naval Postgraduate School
- Fri, Jan 24, 1:30pm:
- Speaker: Pengkun Yang, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University
- Title: “Algorithmic approaches to high-dimensional statistics”
- Speaker: Pengkun Yang, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University
- Wed Jan 29, 10:10am:
- Speaker: Song Mei, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
- Title: "Generalization error of linearized neural networks: staircase and double-descent"
- Speaker: Song Mei, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
- Thur, Jan 30, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Yilin Zhang, Department of O.R., Naval Postgraduate School
- Title: "Understanding Regularized Spectral Clustering via Graph Conductance"
- Speaker: Yilin Zhang, Department of O.R., Naval Postgraduate School
- Fri, Jan 31, 10:10am:
- Speaker: Nicholas Syring, Postdoctoral Lecturer, Washington University in Saint Louis
- Title: “Gibbs posterior distributions”
- Speaker: Nicholas Syring, Postdoctoral Lecturer, Washington University in Saint Louis
- Tue Feb 4, 10:10am:
- Speaker: Cong Ma, PhD Candidate, Princeton University
- Title: "Statistics Meets Nonconvex Optimization: Computational Efficiency and Uncertainty Quantification"
- Speaker: Cong Ma, PhD Candidate, Princeton University
- Thur, Feb 6, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Vladimir Koltchinskii, Mathematics, Georgia Tech
- Title "Bias reduction and efficiency in estimation of smooth functionals of high-dimensional parameters"
- Speaker: Vladimir Koltchinskii, Mathematics, Georgia Tech
- Thur, Feb 13, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Bin Yu, Statistics UC Berkeley
- Title "Veridical Data Science"
- Thur, Feb 20, 4:10pm (location MSB 2112):
- Speaker: Jelena Bradic, Mathematics, UC Dan Diego
- Title "Causal Learning: excursions in double robustness"
- Speaker: Jelena Bradic, Mathematics, UC Dan Diego
- Thur, Feb 27, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Michael Stein, University of Chicago
- Title "Models for distributions when extremes are of interest"
- Speaker: Michael Stein, University of Chicago
- Tue Mar 3, 4:10pm:
- Thur, Mar 5, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Kenneth L. Clarkson, Distinguished Research Staff Member, IBM Research
- Title: "Dimensionality reduction for Tukey regression"
- Speaker: Kenneth L. Clarkson, Distinguished Research Staff Member, IBM Research
- Thur, Mar 12, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Aditya Guntuboyina, Statistics UC Berkeley
- Title "Multivariate extensions of isotonic regression and total variation denoising via entire monotonicity and Hardy-Krause variation"
- Speaker: Aditya Guntuboyina, Statistics UC Berkeley
- Fri, Mar 13, 10:00am (this seminar will be presented remotely, in MSB 1147)*:
- Speaker: Mina Karzand, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Title “Focused learning in Graphical models”
- Speaker: Mina Karzand, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Mon, Mar 16, 10:00am (this seminar will be presented remotely, in MSB 1147)*:
- Speaker: Xiucai Ding, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Duke University
- Title “Complex data analysis for medical sciences: Sensor fusion for high dimensional data”
- Speaker: Xiucai Ding, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Duke University
- Wed Mar 18, 10:00am (this seminar will be presented remotely, in MSB 1147)*:
- Speaker: Jairo Fuquene Patino, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Duke University
- Title “Focused learning in Graphical models”
- *To join one of these three talks (Karzand, Ding, Fuquene Patino) by Zoom please contact Pete Scully pscully@ucdavis.edu for details.
- Speaker: Jairo Fuquene Patino, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Duke University
- Thur, Mar 19, 4:10pm: NO SEMINAR (Cancelled)
SPRING 2020:
Spring Seminar Instructor: Prof. Shizhe Chen.
PLEASE NOTE: for Spring 2020 all seminars were held remotely, accessible through Zoom. Recordings of seminars are not available.
- Thur, April 2, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Matteo Farne, Visiting Assistant Professor, Statistics, UC Davis
- Title: "Covariance matrix and factor model estimation by composite minimization"
- Speaker: Matteo Farne, Visiting Assistant Professor, Statistics, UC Davis
- Thur, April 9, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Patrick Wolfe, Professor of Statistics and Computer Science, Purdue University
- Title: "Modeling variation in network populations"
- Speaker: Patrick Wolfe, Professor of Statistics and Computer Science, Purdue University
- Thur, April 16, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Can Le, UC Davis
- Title "Network regression and its inference"
- Speaker: Can Le, UC Davis
- Speaker: Philip Stark, Statistics, UC Berkeley
- Title" "Evidence-Based Elections and Nonparametric Sequential Tests"
- Speaker: Philip Stark, Statistics, UC Berkeley
- Thur, April 23, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Scott Linderman, Stanford University
- Title "Recurrent State Space Models for Neural and Behavioral Analysis"
- Speaker: Scott Linderman, Stanford University
- Thur, April 30, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Yi-An Ma, Google Research / UC San Diego
- Title "Briding MCMC and Optimization"
- Speaker: Yi-An Ma, Google Research / UC San Diego
- Thur, May 7, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Zijian Guo, Rutgers University
- Title "Doubly Debiased Lasso: High-Dimensional Inference under Hidden Confounding and Measurement Errors"
- Speaker: Zijian Guo, Rutgers University
- Thur, May 14, 4:10pm
- Speaker: Kengo Kato, Cornell
- Title: "Berry-Esseen bounds for Chernoff-type non-standard asymptotics in isotonic regression"
- Speaker: Kengo Kato, Cornell
- Thur, May 21, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Jennifer L. Kirk, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Title: "Statisticians at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration"
- Speaker: Jennifer L. Kirk, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Thur, May 28, 4:10pm:
- Speaker: Vaidotas Characiejus, Visiting Assistant Professor, Statistics, UC Davis
- Title: "Testing for periodicities in functional time series"
- Speaker: Vaidotas Characiejus, Visiting Assistant Professor, Statistics, UC Davis
- Thur, June 4, 4:10pm: no seminar.